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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Team Fortress Tuesday #4

While I don't play competitive Team Fortress 2 currently, I like to follow the scene, and the next couple of weeks figure to be pretty big.  There are two big LAN's in the next two weekends, the ESEA LAN this weekend, and i49 next weekend.  This week, the four best North American TF2 teams will meet and play against each other, and barring some major upset, we all know who the winner is going to be.  HRG has played two perfect seasons, and with their number one challenge having roster issues, I don't see them losing this LAN.  The next event figures to be more interesting.  The i49 LAN is in Europe, but like i46 last year, there will be two non-European teams going as well.  Last year it was two American teams, this year it's HRG, from America, and iM, the best team in Australia.  I hope this one is more competitive than the last, because the European teams got absolutely destroyed by the Americans.  This European LAN in Europe featured two American teams in the finals.  I think that was a bit of a rude awakening for them, and with some additional weapons allowed in the European leagues now and the European teams out of their hibernation, I can't imagine they'll be beaten so easily this time around.  I don't know much about the Australian team, but I hear they're good.  It really should be an exciting tournament.

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