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Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hi There

Every good story needs a good introduction.  That being said, every good story needs a complete story, but the last time I tried a blog, that didn't go so well.  That was the past, though, and I've learned since then.  I'm here because I'd like to think that I have something original to add to the vast quantities of writing one may find out there on the World Wide Web, so that why I'm here.  One day you may find a funny video I found, the next day a in-depth article on the origin of the universe, and the day after a bit of creative writing that I did in my spare time.  Who knows what interesting thing you might find here?  Hopefully there will be a little something for everyone in this little corner of the internet. 

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