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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Global Warming

I just read an interesting article on the current global warming situation, which can be found here:


If methane is being released, that means that the average temperature of the planet is going to rise.  What the article doesn't really talk about is the exponential nature of methane release.  There's a lot of methane frozen in permafrost, but only a small amount is entering the atmosphere right now, as the temperature isn't warm enough.  But the released methane raises the temperature even more, which means that more permafrost melts, and even more methane enters the atmosphere.  This cycle will continue until all the methane is released, and by that point the planet will be rather warm.  A situation like this has happened before, about 55 million years ago.  The planet's temperature shot up to an average of 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and there were no ice caps.  I know we're supposed to feel bad for the plight of polar bears, but let's face facts, ice is the enemy of life.  The only reason life exists there is because they've found some way to cheat, but if there was no ice, biodiversity would explode, as the environment would become suitable to more generalized life.  The downside is that if the ice were to melt, the oceans would rise quite a bit.  These are the facts.  Hopefully I've presented things in as unbiased a manner as possible.

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