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Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Writing Tips #2

Another writing tip for the aspiring writer out there.  As a fellow writer, I know how easy it can be to become a lazy couch potato(Do people still use that phrase?  I feel like a middle-aged parent using it).  I can only vouch from my own experience, but sitting around the house all day does very little to stir the imagination.  So, what I do is take a walk.  Take an hour or so and walk around the town.  Get some fresh air.  Let your mind wander in a new environment.  You'd be surprised how many ideas I gotten from walks.  Not to mention that walking really is good for you.  I suppose this is good advice for anyone who spends a lot of time indoors doing whatever, I find that walking is a great way to break out of bad habits like binge video game sessions.  I can't believe I said that, but playing a game for 12 hours straight isn't healthy.  It's fun, but not healthy.

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