Not so long ago, a Republican Representative asked if the U.S. government had the ability to change the Earth's (or the Moon's) orbit to combat global warming. The simple answer is no, it does not. But what if we had unlimited money and resources? What would it take to actually move the planet further away from the sun. Well, someone's taken the time to find out. Basically, it would take 50 nonillion joules (that's 5 followed by 31 zeros) to move the Earth 3 million kilometers further away from the sun. That's a lot, especially when you consider that we produce only 10 quintillion joules a year (1 followed by 19 zeros). And 12 zeros is a lot to be short by. There are ways to get the energy to do this, such as setting off a nuclear bomb every second for 500 years (which would heat the atmosphere, defeating the whole point of moving the planet further out) or literally slingshotting the Moon into space for a speed boost (which would destabilize our climate, also kind of negating the point). There are a couple other methods mentions, but needless to say, none are any more practical, plus it doesn't change the fact that, as long as we continue producing too much greenhouse gas, we'd have to move the planet further out again. If this starting to sound like a Futurama episode, well, that's because it is.
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