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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Chesapeake Wheat

Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the website): "If you’re looking for a beer with a big impact, look no further. This deliciously crisp wheat ale offers complex fruity and citrus flavors and aromas, all while supporting oyster restoration efforts in the Chesapeake Bay."

Would I buy it again?: Well, since I've already bought it multiple times, yes, I would buy it again. It's very drinkable, but it's got a nice juiciness I don't often get from wheat beers, or summer-style beers in general. Not something I'd want all the time, but it's a refreshing change of pace, and it's definitely something I'll buy every now and then. Plus it helps restore oysters in the Chesapeake, so you're doing the environment a favor as well.

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