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Monday, March 31, 2014

How I Met Your Mother Finale Thoughts

So, after nine years, How I Met Your Mother (that's gonna get real annoying to type) is finally over.  I have to admit, I haven't been watching it for that long.  Actually, it hasn't even been much more than a year.  I think it was over Christmas break in 2012 that I first watched it, my family had gotten into it recently and when I came home for break, I watched some of it too.  I liked what I saw, but I was several years behind.  Luckily, Netflix is a thing, and they had all the seasons that had been completed up to that point.  So, I watched the entire series in the stretch of about 2 or 3 months.  That is the style nowadays, binge watching.  It is a really good show, one of my favorites.  So, that brings us back to tonight, and the finale.

Aaaand...I'm actually not sure what I think about it.  I mean, it was good in a lot of ways, but everything moved so fast.  There was so much to get through to get the characters from where they were to where they needed to be at the end.  And the whole building up the meeting with the Mother and then just having her die off six years before 2030 was really kind of mean.  I could see it coming, and it allowed the story to tie itself together, but it was not nice.  All in all, I liked the finale, but I think it just tried to bite off too much in too short a time. 

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