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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Sunlit Wit

The brewery: Monocacy Brewing Company, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the can): Appearance/light haze, pale golden, bright white foam; Aroma/light citrus zest, coriander, subtle floral, very light spice/clove, mild breadiness; Taste/low bitterness, faint sweetness up front with a refreshingly dry finish, delicate touch of tartness; Texture/effervescent, extremely low astringency, light body, subtle coating effect in the finish

Would I buy it again? The initial taste of this beer was promising, but it was downhill from there, as I thought the aftertaste was kind of watery. The exact opposite of dry, if I'm being honest. Frankly, this beer isn't great, not awful, but definitely not one I'd go for again.

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