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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Blueberry Wheat Ale

The brewery: Ellicottville Brewing Company, Little Valley, New York

Description (from the website): "A dry and fruity wheat beer with the perfect amount of mellow blueberry flavor. EBC has been brewing this beer for over 10+ years as it continues to grow in popularity — even internationally."

Would I buy it again? Personally, I wouldn't, but that's because I'm just not a huge fan of the blueberry taste. If you enjoy blueberries, I think you'd get a lot out of this beer. It's got a good balance of blueberry taste and beer taste. Also, a clarification on the brewery name: This brewery has multiple locations, including one in Ellicottville, N.Y. But this particular bottle was brewed and bottled in Little Valley. Very important information right there.

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