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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Dunkel

The brewery: Port City Brewing Company, Alexandria, Virginia

Description (from the website): "Dunkel is a German-style dark lager from Bavaria, made popular in Munich and known for balancing a dark malt character with lager smoothness. Port City's Dunkel is chestnut in color with a toasty malt aroma, and flavors of nut and caramel. This easy drinking lager is medium in body, finishing with a refreshing crispness."

Would I buy it again? Yeah, this is a very solid lager, I'd absolutely buy this again. Not much to say beyond that, lagers don't tend to be too complicated, so as long as the hop profile is kept under control, it's tough to go wrong with it. It's a little dark for the 100 degree day I drank this on, but that's not on the beer. Blame global warming for making it 100 degrees after Labor Day weekend. It would be amazing on a slightly cool early fall evening.

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