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Sunday, July 2, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Redland Lager

The brewery: 7 Locks Brewing Company, Rockville, Maryland

Description (from the can): "The first sip brings you back, smooth caramel notes cresting to meet gentle floral hops, creating a layered, balanced finish. The second sip says: This is home, atop a sturdy red land foundation. The third sip? Simply put, life should always be this easy."

Would I buy it again? It takes a lot to stand out in the drinkable lager category, but this beer definitely manages it. It does have a pleasant floral yet slightly sweet taste, making it taste distinctly different from your standard Yuengling. I've never seen a red lager before, but I'll have to keep my eye out for more in the future, because this was very good.

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