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Review: Leatherstocking Golf Course (Part 1)

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Wednesday, June 28, 2023

The Unexpected Return Of The Metacomet Saga

It's been nearly 3 years since Metacomet Golf Club shut its doors for the last time. And it's been nearly 2 years since I had anything to say about it. I really didn't think I'd have anything more to say about Metacomet. And yet, here we are. Golf is returning to the Metacomet site

It won't be the golf course Donald Ross designed. The so-called Met Links will only be nine holes, and the back nine is completely gone. Which is a little bit of a shame, since the fourteenth was the course's best hole. In addition, Met Links has to be placed into a space where seven holes were originally. However, five of the original greens on the front were able to be saved and will be incorporated into the future design. That's a little something, at least.

The new course is slated to open in 2024. And while I admit to being a bit curious, Providence is a little far away for me to go and casually check out a nine-hole golf course. So don't expect a review. It's just nice knowing Metacomet isn't completely 100% gone. 

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