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Sunday, July 16, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Earth Day IPA

The brewery: Guinness Open Gate Brewery, Halethorpe, Maryland

Description (from Untappd): "This beer is brewed with our whole hearts focused on the importance of sustainability and utilizing local, sustainably sourced ingredients. The barley comes from Harbor View Farms on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, malted by our friends at Delaware’s Proximity Malt. We added a touch of Eastern Shore honey for good measure, from Apex Apiary, along with Citra, Simcoe, and Talus hops. Candied orange and a touch of pine come through in full hop glory, backed up by the local malt."

Would I buy it again? A honey IPA sounded good, but the issue here is that the honey is frontloaded (and frankly the honey taste is fairly minimal). Once you get past that, this beer really only has hoppy bitterness to offer. The aftertaste is very bitter on this one. I'm really not a fan of it, so I would not go for this beer again.

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