Another day, another story about how artificial intelligence is taking over the world. This time, a machine-learning program has successfully located an extrasolar planet (great, AI's not even satisfied with our world) within a protoplanetary disk around a young star. The program had been tested on solar systems that we already knew had planets, but when it was applied to a set of older images it hadn't analyzed yet, the AI identified a planet in a system that had previously been overlooked. We missed the exoplanet, the AI didn't. And, according to the researchers, the AI only took an hour to find the exoplanet, which is a lot faster than what humans can manage. Once the technology is scaled up and tested a bit more, it could go through a lot of data extremely quickly. Who knows how many exoplanets we've missed that it could find? There really will be nowhere for humanity to hide when the robot revolution comes.
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