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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Mad Elf

Brewed by: Tröegs Independent Brewing, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "The holidays at Tröegs start with our inner Mad Elf momentarily taking over the brew deck. So blame 'him' for this cheerful ruby red creation reminiscent of ripened cherries, raw honey and cocoa with notes of cinnamon, clove and allspice."

Would I buy it again?: We have a bit of a redemption story here. I got Mad Elf years ago and I thought it tasted like cough syrup. So I passed it up for quite a while, since I thought I didn't like it. But I finally came around to trying it again, and what do you know, I like it now. I doubt they changed the beer, so maybe my taste buds have changed. Either way, I'd buy this beer again. Just be aware, it's 11% alcohol, so it's got the strength of ten beers, plus two.

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