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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Fool's Gold Imperial Peanut Butter Hefeweizen

Brewed by: Rusty Rail Brewing Company, Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "Banana flavors give way to a peanut butter aroma & subtle peanut butter flavor."

Would I buy it again?: It's back to beer, and we've got a weird one. Imperial peanut butter hefeweizen is not a combination I ever expected to see, and unfortunately, I'm not sure it's worked. I didn't really enjoy this; I think that I'm just not a fan of peanut butter in beer. I will say this though, you really can taste the peanut butter.

Now, a while ago I reviewed a blackberry porter that reminded me of blackberry jelly, and I said that I'd like to buy a peanut butter beer, combine the two, and make a PB&J beer cocktail. It was a while ago (I've had this beer sitting around for months), but I did do that, and while it wasn't quite as good as I was hoping for – they didn't mix quite as well as I was hoping for and the cocktail was quite thick and tough to drink quickly – I did like it better than this alone. 

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