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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Want to Own Real Estate on the Moon? Here's Your Opportunity

I wish I'd found this a bit earlier in the day, but to celebrate the lunar eclipse tonight, Bagel Bites is currently running a contest that goes until 12:59 AM Eastern Time on Thursday, May 27 for 100 randomly chosen people to own a whole acre of property ... on the Moon. You also get some free Bagel Bites if you win, but that's not very interesting.

Now, you might think that it's ridiculous to own real estate on the Moon, but it's surprisingly not clear cut. The Outer Space Treaty prevents nations from claiming territory in space, but that treaty came into being before commercial space flight became a thing, so it doesn't say what commercial companies can and can't claim. I wouldn't stake your life and future on homesteading on the Sea of Tranquility, but it is possible the winners of this contest may actually own a bit of the Moon. And that's kind of cool.

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