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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Campfire Amplifier!

Brewed by: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, Delaware

Description (from the website): "Break out the s'mores fixin's - there's a new brew in town! Inspired by cold nights around the campfire, this milk stout is brewed with marshmallows, graham crackers, cocoa nibs, cinnamon, Madagascar vanilla beans, and smoked malt. The only thing missing is a tent, and a few fireside ghost stories."

Would I buy it again?: I was pretty excited by the s'mores description, but this did not live up to my expectations. It just didn't taste anything like it was advertised, it was more like the chocolate milk stout that I reviewed a little while back. Strike that, it was almost exactly like it, and I didn't care for this one either. Really expected more from a Dogfish Head beer, to be honest.

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