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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What's The Best Way To Reheat Pizza?

It happens even to the hungriest of us (aka, me). You order a pizza, and as you're chowing down, you realize that there's just a bit too much for one sitting. Pizza is obviously better fresh, but the great thing about it is that you can have leftover pizza for any meal of the day. Plenty of people swear by cold pizza, while I personally prefer my leftovers slightly warm (say, 20 seconds in the microwave). But even I'll admit that, if you want your leftover pizza hot, the microwave is not the greatest option. It's easy, but you're not left with the most appetizing thing in the world.

So, if you're curious, here's an article from Popular Science where a couple of people tested various ways to reheat leftover pizza. Their conclusion? A slightly obscure and convoluted method where you heat a pan on the stove over medium-low heat, plop the slice in and cook for a couple minutes, add a splash of water to the pan, cover the pan, then cook for another minute. And that's all fine and dandy, but it's so complicated. I'd personally prefer the second-place option of reheating in the oven on a hot tray. That sounds like something I'd actually try.

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