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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Guinness Blonde

Brewed by: Guinness Open Gate Brewery, Baltimore, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Irish tradition meets American spirit in Guinness Blonde. Complex and flavorful. Light, floral and alive with citrus. This beer is perfectly balanced with a lingering malt and biscuity finish. ... When we opened up our new brewery in Baltimore in August of 2018, our goal was to combine 260+ years of Guinness brewing experience with American beer creativity. The first item on their list was to re-interpret our flagship American beer, Guinness Blonde. Their goal was a sessionable golden beer with Guinness character. Focusing on making it more refreshing in taste and lighter in color, they supplemented the Mosaic hops with Citra for tasty citrus notes and adjusted the grain bill. The result is a clean, crisp beer that hits the sweet spot between flavor and refreshing taste."

Would I buy it again?: Yes, I would. This is a great summer beer, tasty and drinkable. Not too hoppy either. It's slightly unfortunate that I was introduced to it in the middle of winter, so I won't be in a huge hurry to buy more, but come June or so, I'd definitely buy this again.

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