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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: I Love Lamp Pineapple Hefeweizen

Brewed by: Evil Genius Brewing Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "I Love Lamp is our classic German-style hefeweizen with an Evil Genius twist. We brew this beer with 2-Row, Wheat, and Munich malts, and hop it gently in the kettle with German hops. Once fermentation has completed we add just the right amount of pineapple, making it a truly unique beer that is at once intriguing and drinkable. The banana and clove notes naturally produced by our hefeweizen yeast are balanced out by refreshing pineapple, resulting in a delicious, easy-drinking treat."

Would I buy it again?: They should take back their Evil Genius twist, to be perfectly honest. I was very disappointed with this beer. Right off the bat, the head disappeared in about half a second, as you can tell from the picture. And the taste wasn't great either. Pineapple ruins a perfectly good hefeweizen.

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