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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Nugget Nectar Ale

Brewed by: Tröegs Brewing Company, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "It’s impossible to forget your first squeeze. Once a year, as the newest humulus lupulus harvest arrives at Tröegs, we blend these super-fresh hops into an Imperial Amber Ale. Excessively dry-hopped, Nugget Nectar is an explosion of pine, resin and mango."

Would I buy it again?: This beer is an interesting one. A hoppy amber ale is clearly not a winter beer, but Tröegs only releases Nugget Nectar once a year, in January. And that's kind of the point; it's a taste of summer in the middle of winter. As for the beer itself, I wish it was a little less excessively dry hopped, to be honest. It's definitely a good beer, but it's a little too hoppy for my taste. Not something I'd rush to buy again.

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