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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Reports Of The Great Red Spot's Death May Be Greatly Exaggerated

The Great Red Spot isn't as big as it used to be. Naturally, the conclusions many scientists (and me) came to is that the famed storm was dying. But according to new research, Jupiter may not be getting rid of the Great Red Spot any time soon.

We can only see the top of the storm. Duh. We haven't installed a weather station in the middle of the Great Red Spot. But because we can only get a visual assessment, when the Great Red Spot shrinks, it sure looks like its dissipating. But when scientists took a closer look at its behavior, it turns out that whatever is driving the storm is still going strong. In that regard, nothing has changed, and so long as the Great Red Spot's driving forces still exist, it isn't going anywhere.

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