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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Last Leaf Maple Brown Ale

Brewed by: Starr Hill Brewery, Crozet, Virginia

Description (from the bottle): "An English brown ale, made from real Virginia syrup, featuring subtle vanilla notes and a smooth, malty character."

Would I buy it again?: Okay, this is going to require a bit of explanation. I bought a six pack of this a while ago, so the beer I drank for this review was not the first time I'd had it. The previous examples I'd had were very good. Subtle maple syrup flavor, very tasty. I'm not sure if this particular bottle had gone bad or the fact that I'm getting over some sort of illness ruined my taste buds, but it was not so good. I'm leaning with gone bad. So I'm still going to recommend the beer, but be sure not to wait too long before drinking it.

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