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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: 8 Days A Week Blonde Ale

Brewed by: Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, New York

Description (from the website): The only way to describe this beer is Infinitely Drinkable. This is smooth liquid refreshment with a hint of Centennial hops for fruity notes and low bitterness for an easy finish. Available on draught and in 8 packs of 12oz cans, yep that’s right 8 cans, because when a beer is Infinitely Drinkable, six just isn’t enough!

Would I buy it again?: That's a tricky question. This really is an infinitely drinkable beer, it's pleasant in every single way. I liked it a lot. But in matters of drinkability, beers like this have to compete with Yuengling, and I'm just not sure I'd be willing to spend the premium for this when I can get Yuengling for less. Sure, that's a lager and this is an ale, so they are different in that way. And they do taste different, of course. I wouldn't say no to more of these, let's leave it at that.

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