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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Space Monkey Raspberry Saison

Brewed by: Fegley's Brew Works, Allentown, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "Space Monkey is formulated to rocket around your palate with a 21st century complexity in flavor and aroma. Hints of lemon and pepper orbit around a raspberry tartness to guarantee a successful flight. Brewed with 480 lbs of raspberries!"

Would I buy it again?: As much as it pains me to dislike a beer called Space Monkey, I'm afraid that this just isn't my kind of beer. I don't think it's necessarily the beer's fault, I think I'm just not a big fan of raspberries, and this beer has quite a noticeable raspberry flavor to it. Considering how it's made, that doesn't seem surprising.

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