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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Apricot Wheat

Brewed by: Otto's Pub and Brewery, State College, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "American wheat ale. Light to medium body. Refreshing. Golden amber with the delicate aroma and flavor of apricot. Perfect any time of year.

Would I buy it again?: I recently made a trip to State College, and I made sure to pick up a few different beers from the main brewery in town. So be prepared for a few weeks of beer from Otto's. We're starting off with a wheat beer, which I'm normally a fan of. However, I don't think apricot is the best fruit to stick into a wheat beer. The initial taste was okay, but the aftertaste wasn't great. I wouldn't be opposed to getting it if I was at the brewpub, but I'm not going out of my way to get some more.

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