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Thursday, February 28, 2019

We Have a New Record For Furthest-Away Solar System Object

What do you call a dwarf planet that's further away than a dwarf planet you've already dubbed "FarOut?"

If you guessed "FarFarOut" then congrats! You think just like the scientists that discovered the object way out at the outer edges of the solar system. The object, which we know nothing about other then that it exists, is currently 140 AU from the sun and probably has an orbit lasting a thousand years or so. While objects we have discovered have orbits that will take them past that (the dwarf planet Sedna will get thousands of AU away), this beats the current record for furthest object from the sun currently by about 20 AU.

The discovery is also helpful for scientists looking for a potential ninth planet hanging around in the far-flung corners of the solar system. If we can find little dwarf planets billions of miles away, then we can find something that may be 10 times the size of Earth if we look in the right place.

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