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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Duck-Rabbator Dopplebock

Brewed by: Duck-Rabbit Brewery, Farmville, North Carolina

Description (from the website): "The Duck-Rabbator Dopplebock is a powerfully malty German-style lager. The malty/grainy flavors so dominate this beer, it's like a whole loaf of bread in every glass! Is it a beverage or is it a meal? It's both."

Would I buy it again?: Of course I would, double bocks are my favorite style of beer. I don't think this one was quite as good as a Troegenator; I felt like it was maybe missing a little of flavor and thickness, compared with the Troegenator, but it was pretty close. I'd definitely get it again just for a bit of variety in my double bock consumption.

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