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Sunday, February 10, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Aero-Head Bock

Brewed by: Appalachian Brewing Company, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "A German-style bock beer with personality! Aero-Head Bock is semi-sweet with bold upfront flavor and a light hoppiness. This dark copper lager is rich and toasty, yet finishes with a delightful crispness. Enjoy this high-flying goat! It'll kick you right in your Landing Zone!"

Would I buy it again?: Yes, I would. And yes, I know this is two bocks in a row, but this is just what I had in my fridge and what I was in the mood for. At least it isn't a double bock. But anyway, this beer is very good and I'd definitely get it again. It's not quite as thick or strong as a double bock, but it's got a very pleasant taste. It's very drinkable.

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