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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Rhino Chasers Pilsner

Brewed by: Lost Rhino Brewing Company, Ashburn, Virginia

Description (from the website): "Like an early morning dive into crisp waves, this premium Pilsner packs a quick, hoppy bite to wake up your senses. Topped with a dense creamy head, this golden lager is one you won’t forget."

Would I buy it again?: I'm gonna say no to this one. It was pretty hoppy for a Pilsner, and I am not a huge fan of hoppy beers. Explains the lack of IPA reviews. Anyway, I was definitely a bit disappointed by this particular Pilsner. However, I'd definitely buy from this brewery again, I like their name. Lost Rhino is a good name for a brewery.

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