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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Physics Of The Perfect Pizza

Yes, I said physics of the perfect pizza. Actual people have published an actual study about how to back the perfect margherita pizza. And yes, one of the study authors is Italian.

The secret to pizza, based on much sampling of pizza throughout Rome, is all in the way it's cooked. Also, I want to write a study that involves sampling a bunch of pizza. But anyway, the perfect margherita pizza can be baked in 2 minutes in a brick oven at 625 degrees Fahrenheit. If there are additional toppings, the pizza should be lifted off the bottom of the oven for 30 more seconds to prevent the bottom from burning.

Now, most people don't have a brick oven, and this is where the physics comes in. Using a complex thermodynamic equation, the scientists found that these conditions could be reasonably replicated in an electric oven. What you do is put your pizza on a metal tray, turn the oven to 450 degrees, and cook for 170 seconds, adding a bit more time if your toppings have a high water content.

One more thing, the study authors actually took the time to note that the perfect pizza basically requires you to wash it down with a pitcher of good beer. And that is a beautiful sentiment.

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