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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Vanilla Porter

Brewed by: Breckenridge Brewery, Littleton, Colorado

Description (from the website): "Real vanilla beans from Madagascar combined with caramel and Munich malts create a beer that’s balanced and flavorful. Aromas of vanilla and toasted grain set the stage for mellow flavors of vanilla and dark roasted malts. Don’t let its deep mahogany color fool you. Vanilla Porter is dark in color and packed with flavor, yet it is as smooth as they come and easy to enjoy at any time of the year."

Would I buy it again?: Yes, I would. I like Saranac's vanilla porter a little more than this one, but this one is a lot easier to find. It's a good beer for the winter, but it isn't so heavy that it couldn't be enjoyed at any time. And the vanilla flavor is pretty good and not so strong as to be overwhelming.

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