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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Repost: My Favorite 5 Episodes of Spongebob

In case you haven't heard, Stephen Hillenburg, the creator of Spongebob Squarepants, died yesterday. He was diagnosed with ALS in 2017, and if you know anything about that disease, it works fast. Spongebob premiered in 1999 when I was 7 years old, and it instantly hooked me. I still remember the episode: "The Paper." It's not on this list, but it's an excellent episode. Anyway, for the next several years I would watch and rewatch Spongebob, imbibing it into my being and my soul. My sense of humor is half Spongebob quotes, and a mutual love of Spongebob is a big part of what keeps my group of friends together. We may move apart, we may talk less, but we'll all always have Spongebob.

So, to commemorate Mr. Hillensburg's life and the frankly outsize influence Spongebob has had on me, I'm reposting a list I made way back in 2014. It's my top 5 favorite episodes of Spongebob. I actually rewatched all these last night, and after almost 20 years and dozens of rewatches, these episodes still make me laugh.

5. "Wet Painters"

Spongebob and Patrick paint Mr. Krabs' house, but accidently get paint on his first dollar. Their attempts to remove said paint do not end well. Umm, I'm not entirely sure what else needs to be said about these, if you haven't watched them, you definitely should go do that. I mean, obviously, I really like these episodes, that's why they're here. I guess I'll throw in the best quote and a memorable scene. (2018 edit: Clearly the finest summation of anything ever achieved)

Best Quote:


4. "Krusty Krab Training Video"

It's a very literal title for this episode, it's the official Krusty Krab training video, which all new employees must watch. It's quite a bit different from...well, everything, seeing as there really isn't a plot, or story. That's an interesting maneuver, a plotless show, yet it manages to work extremely well. It's worth noting that this episode is paired with "Wet Painters," which probably makes the best half-hour of Spongebob out there.

Best Quote:

"The ceiling is right, Squidward, you're not a very good employee."

3. "Pizza Delivery"

Back to Season 1 (like seasons matter for a show like this) for the show's first really great episode. Spongebob and Squidward deliver the first Krabby Patty pizza. Things don't go well. That could be the summary for every episode. Spongebob and somebody do something. Things don't go well. Ah well, nobody ever said a kid's cartoon would have exciting and original plots. Anyway, this episode is great, and maybe the most quotable out of the episodes on my list here.

Best Quote:

"It's not just a boulder...it's a rock!"

2. "SB-129"

Spongebob goes science-fiction in this episode. Squidward runs away to the Krusty Krab to avoid Spongebob and Patrick, gets frozen, awakes 2,000 years later, time travels back to the past, then travels to Asparagus Land. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a clip from my favorite moment on Youtube, so I'll just have to settle for the classic bit of the episode. Oh well.

Best Quote:

"Rrready to go?"
"No I'm not rrready to go!"

1. "Band Geeks"

Please, like it was ever going to be anything else. I used to have this episode completely memorized, something I managed to do without even trying. After watching it a hundred times, I just sort of absorbed it. Squidward starts a band, it doesn't go well, but when everyone goes to play, it works. It's just such a good episode, it is far and away my favorite. The others are great, but they don't really come close.

Best Quote:

"Whoever's the owner of the white sedan, you left your lights on..."

And of course:

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