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Sunday, March 14, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Regular Beer

Brewed by: DuClaw Brewing Company, Rosedale, Maryland

Description (from the website): "This is beer that tastes like regular beer. For the times you want to drink regular beer."

Would I buy it again?: DuClaw is a pretty big deal in Maryland. They're an older brewery, dating back to the 90s, and they make some interesting beer. Well, I say interesting, but what I mean is I don't really like them much. Their most well-known beer is Sweet Baby Jesus, a beer that tastes exactly like a Reeses, and not in an appealing way. Frankly, they were the last people who I thought would make a plain standard lager like this. But they did, and I really like the fact that they did. Of course, by doing so they're competing directly with Yuengling, the titan of affordable lager. And yes, this beer is more expensive. But I will buy this beer again because I like the label and the name, and I appreciate that someone out there realizes that beer has gotten a bit ridiculous. A four pack will cost $18 or something, and you'll get some weird triple IPA brewed with lactose and five kinds of fruit, or maybe you'll get a stout stuffed with peanut butter and cream and who even knows what else. Sure, they're fine on occasion, but sometimes I just want a regular plain old beer. And that's what this is.

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