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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Beer of the Week

The beer: Dunkel Lager

Brewed by: Tröegs Independent Brewing, Hershey, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "Walking the line between a refreshingly crisp pilsner and a hearty bock, this Munich Dunkel is our take on the classic dark lager. Brewed with Munich and chocolate malts and hopped with the noble and floral Hersbrucker and Tradition, this limited beer has a bread crust-like maltiness with subtle notes of caramel, nuttiness and chocolate."

Would I buy it again?: I'd say the description is pretty accurate here, in that this beer has a lot of the taste of a bock, but it's a lot easier to drink. Yeah sure, I can chug the Troegenators down, but that's not the experience most people have. This beer strikes a happy medium, and I'd definitely buy it again.

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