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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: 2XMAS Ale

Brewed by: Southern Tier Brewing Company, Lakewood, New York

Description (from the website): "Swedish flags are a fairly common sight in our part of the country. Holiday parties often have warm concoctions of spices and booze at the ready to knock the ice off of toes while raising spirits. We were inspired by a 'Glögg' party, deciding on the spot to brew a beer that pays tribute to this Nordic tradition. 2XMAS ale combines traditional brewing ingredients with figs, orange peels, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, and ginger root. It’s a holiday addition to the 2X line and another reason to toast to the season, but unlike Glögg, we recommend serving this one chilled."

Would I buy it again?: I'm gonna have say no on this one. For all those spices, I feel like the beer was surprisingly bitter, and that's not what Christmas is all about. The aftertaste especially isn't very pleasant. There's a bit of cinnamon, but it's immediately overpowered. I don't really enjoy it, and that's pretty disappointing.

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