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Sunday, December 6, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: James Bean Vanilla Oatmeal Porter

Brewed by: James River Brewery, Scottsville, Virginia

Description (from the website): "To create the James Bean, we use the base malt recipe of the Sherman Stout but add oatmeal and vanilla to the brew, removing the strong coffee flavor that is found in the Sherman. The result is a Porter that is medium brown in color and full in taste. Toasted malts hit on the front and quickly mingle with the vanilla before giving way to hints of oatmeal on the back."

Would I buy it again?: This was a pretty solid but not spectacular beer that was hoppier than I was expecting. Now, it's not bitter by any means, but there's more there than I'd like, and that kind of ruined it for me. Well, ruined is a bit strong. I wouldn't go out of my way for it, but it's not bad.

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