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Review: Leatherstocking Golf Course (Part 1)

Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Want to See a Golf Ball From 15 Miles Away? Now You Can!

Courtesy of the world's biggest digital camera. It takes 3,200 megapizel images, and it's more than 2 feet across. In order to view this image in its entirety, you would require 378 4k televisions. And yet, I'm pretty sure I could still hit a golf ball far enough off line to be beyond its capability. 

Of course, this camera won't be used to take pictures of golf courses (too bad for me). Instead, it's going to South America, where it'll be mounted to a new observatory and used to conduct a 10-year survey of the universe. That's probably a bit more scientifically useful.

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