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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Beer of the Week

The beer: Frangelic Mountain Brown

Brewed by: Founders Brewing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Description (from the website): "We love a well-balanced brown ale. Especially a brown ale of the hazelnut coffee persuasion. Case in point: Frangelic Mountain Brown. Initially brewed and released in bottles in 2012, this deliciously sweet and nutty coffee brown ale quickly became a favorite amongst beer fans and inspired us to continue pushing the coffee and beer envelope. Turns out your new favorite coffee drink is a beer."

Would I buy it again?: Founders does not have the greatest reputation in the beer community as of late, but there's no denying the fact that they know how to make a good beer. This is no exception. It tastes just the right amount of hazelnut and coffee while also tasting like beer. I'd definitely buy it again.

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