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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Tropical Bitch Belgian IPA

Brewed by: Flying Dog Brewery, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from the website): "For years, she's gone walking. When she passes, she lures you in. And time after glorious time, she never disappoints. Tall and tan and young and lovely. You smile. With a swing so cool and a sway so gentle, you'll give your heart gladly." Not the most informative description.

Would I buy it again?: This was a bit of a weird choice for me, this is not the sort of beer I'd normally get. But I was at a place with not a huge selection and I wanted something different. So I got a Belgian IPA. And you know what? It was honestly pretty good. A bit hoppy for my taste, but everything else about it was to my liking. I wouldn't go rushing out for more, but considering how easy it is for me to get, I could definitely see myself buying another six-pack of the stuff.

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