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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Beer of the Week

The beer: Goldencold Lager

Brewed by: Susquehanna Brewing Company, Pittston, Pennsylvania

Description (from the website): "Goldencold Lager is a refreshing, German-inspired beer brewed with Pilsner malt and a bit of Sauermalz to bring out a traditional, rounded note. Separating the husk from the mash allows us to brew a beer delicate in flavor and texture. The classic bitterness brings our corner of NEPA a little closer to you."

Would I buy it again?: Probably not. This is a pretty standard lager, and it tasted like most other standard lagers I've had. Now, it was perfectly fine, but given the choice, I'd either get a Yuengling because it's cheaper or a Boston Lager because it's a bit better.

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