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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Snow Pants Oatmeal Stout

Brewed by: Union Craft Brewing Company, Baltimore, Maryland

Description (from the website): "Snow Pants Oatmeal Stout is an 8% abv, full-bodied ale packed with flavor. This jet black beer warms the palate with the roasty chocolate flavors of rich dark malt complimented by a gentle, creamy body from a hefty dose of oats. A generous addition of Cascade & Columbus hops provides balance and a bit of a piney character to this tasty winter brew. Winter is here – Its Snow Pants season!"

Would I buy it again?: Probably, yes. This beer didn't blow me away, but I like oatmeal stouts, I liked this oatmeal stout, and I especially liked the name of this oatmeal stout. Snow Pants is a great name, and the main reason I bought it. And I'd get it again for the same reason.

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