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Sunday, September 9, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Hazelnut Brown Nectar

Brewed by: Rogue Ales, Newport, Oregon

Description (from the website): "From the hazelnut capital of the United States, this nutty twist on a European brown ale was originally crafted by Rogue Brewmaster John Maier's good friend and avid home-brewer, Chris Studach. Hazelnut Brown Nectar offers a hazelnut aroma with rich nutty flavor and a smooth malty finish."

Would I buy it again?: Probably not. This is one of those beers that didn't really distinguish itself one way or the other. I didn't dislike it, but I didn't love it. It was fine drinking it in the moment, but it was kind of forgettable. I liked the Honey Kolsch Rogue makes a lot more, so much so that for the first time, I followed through on my "Would I buy it again?" decision and bought it again.

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