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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Beer of the Week

The beer: Chairy Cherry Cream Ale

Brewed by: Jailbreak Brewing Company, Laurel, Maryland

Description (from the website): "This luscious, dreamboat of a cream ale was brewed with judicious amounts of vanilla and nearly 500 pounds of tart red cherry purée. Unsurprisingly, the resulting beer leaves behind a sweet, creamy mouthfeel (oats and lactose certainly don’t hurt in that department) that is balanced by subtle tartness from the cherry. Suffice it to say that 'Chairy' is indeed cherry pie in a glass."

Would I buy it again?: Yes, but I'd pick a much nicer and warmer day to drink it. This is a very summery kind of beer, the sort of beer you drink on a warm and sunny July day, not on a cloudy and cool September evening. But I thought it was pretty good, and it didn't taste like cough syrup, which is something I find cherry flavored beer struggles with.

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