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Review: Leatherstocking Golf Course (Part 1)

Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Not Going Away and Random Thoughts

Well, posting every day hasn't happened so far.  Still, I'm settling into the work routine, so hopefully I can find some time to post more often.  Definitely don't want this blog to disappear, so I will definitely still be updating it.  Now, the title promised some random thoughts...

Maybe it's because I just started working at a medical newspaper, but why isn't the Ebola thing a bigger deal?  How many times have we gotten all worked up about some sort of silly flu epidemic that turns out to be nothing, but this has been going under the radar?  Sure, it's getting some attention now that Americans have it, but I just don't know.  Swine flu was a joke, bird flu was a joke.  Ebola is no joke.

People driving in urban areas have the worst planning ability.  They pass people in the wrong lane, try to get back over when they run out of space, and they probably all wonder why there's so much traffic.  Hmmm...

I've been having trouble with hooks out on the golf course, so this past weekend at the driving range, my younger brother (who is very good at golf) and I tried to fix it.  Everything we tried made the ball go further left.  It was aggravating.

Work has forced me to rediscover something that I have not known in a very long time: sunrise.  I would say it's nice, but I'm still getting up before 6 AM, and nothing about that is nice.

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