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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Favorite Video Game

I haven't played an especially large amount of video games, but the ones I do play are almost always among the best.  There's one though, that stands far above all the others.  I've played games where the fates of entire worlds are placed in my hands, but my favorite game features absolutely none of those incredibly high stakes.  Sure, there's a story, and an exciting conclusion, but nowhere near the level of some of my other favorites.  At the end of the day, it's basically just a puzzle game.

Portal 2 is my favorite video game.  There's no violence, no killing, there's a gun, but it fires portals (shocking), and it solves puzzles.  I just recently starting playing the game again because I have a computer that can actually handle the graphics.  It's been a few years, so my recollection of the puzzles is hazy at best.  It's almost like I'm playing the game for the first time again.  I get to laugh at the absolutely hilarious dialogue once more, no small feat for a video game to pull off.  Humor's a difficult thing to pull off, but Portal does it almost perfectly.  The gameplay is smooth and the game looks good too.  I've never been one for hyper-realism in my video games, it's why I'm so partial to Team Fortress 2, and why I've been going pretty hard at Borderlands 2 the past couple months (I'm sure I'll have something to say about that game, just not now).  There's no cartoony aspects to Portal, but the scale of everything in the game is just so vast, it can't possibly be real.

I don't think many people would deny that Portal 2 is a great game, but I don't imagine many would call it their favorite.  What does it for me?  Simple.  When I first played the game, I played with a couple friends watching, and that experience made everything so much better.  The game is great, but the interactive aspect of that first playthrough made a great game so much better.  I've heard the same thing from other people who've played the game, playing it with other people around made it better.  The game might not look all that interesting on the surface, but trust me, it's probably the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.

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