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Review: Leatherstocking Golf Course (Part 1)

Most people who visit Cooperstown, New York, are going to see the National Baseball Hall of Fame. It is the obvious reason to visit the town...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Not Dead Yet

I've just been having a lot of trouble focusing on maintaining this.  Every day, I think, "I should post on my blog," but then I think, "Ehhh."  So I don't.  I don't have a good excuse, I'm certainly not busy with other things, it's just that I haven't had any motivation these past couple weeks.  Winter does that to me, it really does hit me hard around this time of year.  It's so close to spring, but the weather is still terrible, and the news that the polar vortex is returning just makes me feel worse.  But it was nice today, and I did get out to the driving range, I hit a ton of golf balls, and I feel a little better.  I think if I can hold out another week, the weather will improve for the better.  I really hope it does, I can't take much more of this cold weather.  Hopefully, normal service will be resuming here, hopefully I can remain diligent for the next week or so.  Once it warms up, I don't think it'll be a problem.  I'm rambling at this point, so I'll stop

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