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Sunday, March 24, 2024

Beer of the Week

The beer: Lovestruck Brown Ale

The brewery: RAK Brewing Company, Frederick, Maryland

Description (from Untappd): "This English style Brown ale is conditioned on 25lbs. of roasted Pecans and brewed with British malt to accentuate the caramel notes. Overall, a nice balance between nutty, malty, caramel flavors."

Would I buy it again? RAK Brewing Co. is the new kid on the Frederick beer block, so I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary going in. New places always take some time to get going. And while I'm not convinced of the place's decor, I can't argue with the quality of the beer. This brown ale is, quite simply, fantastic. It's got the pecan and caramel taste, it's pleasantly malty with no hint of hoppy bitterness, and it's pretty easy to drink. Not only would I buy this again, I already have. Couldn't resist walking out of the brewery with a four-pack. It really was that good a beer.

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