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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Beer of the Week

The beer: Green Farmer 22 / Catoctin Heritage Pale Ale

Brewed by: Milkhouse Brewery, Mt. Airy, Maryland

Description (from the website): "A classic 100% Maryland pale ale, made even more Maryland with the addition of our hop varietal 'Monocacy'. With Chinook bittering additions followed by copious amounts of Monocacy for aroma and presence, this is the first full batch of Maryland brewed beer featuring this unique hop varietal in quite some time! We are excited to share this piece of Maryland brewing history with everyone, and are even more thrilled about taking this interesting ingredient into the future of Maryland beer."

Would I buy it again? We've got the first beer in the Monocacy hop trilogy this week. And it's excellent. Not too bitter or hoppy, well balanced, easy to drink, and very tasty. I'm really happy I went out of my way to buy it, and I hope it sticks around. We'll see how the two lagers pan out, but I'm pretty excited now.

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